The World is full of stupid questions and for every stupid question there are a multitude of stupid answers, one sort of goes hand in hand so I was told when I asked a few people this as they responded with.."Now isn't that a Stupid Question?".
I was sitting at my desk today and all of a sudden I was taken over by a single thought...and NO it did not die of loneliness. It was a question I had heard someone actually ask and at first I just put it out of my head, like I knew I had heard it, but I didn't hear it type of thing. The more I thought on it the more my brain pan started to over heat...I am nuts to begin with and although I do know what is odd and what is not I still have the propensity to ask, think and say allot of stupid things, I was not sure whether this was a stupid question or someone just being so down rite curious about someone else's answer.
Would this stupid question being asked get and a mind blowing answer that could be the cure for cancer? or maybe it would help bring about world peace or maybe...just maybe help my truck run better in the cold weather?
I sat and thought about the question, and after a few minutes I thought, well what would happen if I say it out-loud. would they, the Powers that Be try to restrain me with one of those fancy jackets that the sleeves attach in the back or would someone have an answer that would satisfy me and my craving for knowledge? or would they look at me and say ..."That is the Stupidest Question I have heard all day and I just got off the phone with my mother in-law!!"
I sat some more and I said ..."it is now or never", stupid or not I could not take the question rattling around in my head...it was denting my frontal lobe and the wife does not like it when I have a dented frontal lobe, she thinks it makes me look a bit Neanderthal....so I waited for some one to come by, so I could just get it over with ... but as luck would have it people had jobs to do and talking to the fool at the desk is not one of them.
Then it happened there was a couple of people heading right for me ...I had sweat pooling on my forehead and I was biting my lower lip...they got closer and one of them began to say, "Hello how are you..." and before she could get the whole sentence out I blurted it out....
If you had to eat one crayon out of a box of 64, which color would it be?
There I had said it I felt good when I got it out, I am not sure that they were happy to hear it, because they stopped and actually debated each others answer and why the other persons color choice made no sense and why theirs did.
Like I said I was glad to get out of my brain pan, but I bet they were asking every one they knew that same question, because I think that, the so called stupid question was rattling around their brains and now denting their frontal lobes...Hey all I can say is better them then me!
So let me ask you ...what color would you have chosen?
Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired
I was sitting at my desk today and all of a sudden I was taken over by a single thought...and NO it did not die of loneliness. It was a question I had heard someone actually ask and at first I just put it out of my head, like I knew I had heard it, but I didn't hear it type of thing. The more I thought on it the more my brain pan started to over heat...I am nuts to begin with and although I do know what is odd and what is not I still have the propensity to ask, think and say allot of stupid things, I was not sure whether this was a stupid question or someone just being so down rite curious about someone else's answer.
Would this stupid question being asked get and a mind blowing answer that could be the cure for cancer? or maybe it would help bring about world peace or maybe...just maybe help my truck run better in the cold weather?
I sat and thought about the question, and after a few minutes I thought, well what would happen if I say it out-loud. would they, the Powers that Be try to restrain me with one of those fancy jackets that the sleeves attach in the back or would someone have an answer that would satisfy me and my craving for knowledge? or would they look at me and say ..."That is the Stupidest Question I have heard all day and I just got off the phone with my mother in-law!!"
I sat some more and I said ..."it is now or never", stupid or not I could not take the question rattling around in my head...it was denting my frontal lobe and the wife does not like it when I have a dented frontal lobe, she thinks it makes me look a bit Neanderthal....so I waited for some one to come by, so I could just get it over with ... but as luck would have it people had jobs to do and talking to the fool at the desk is not one of them.
Then it happened there was a couple of people heading right for me ...I had sweat pooling on my forehead and I was biting my lower lip...they got closer and one of them began to say, "Hello how are you..." and before she could get the whole sentence out I blurted it out....
If you had to eat one crayon out of a box of 64, which color would it be?
There I had said it I felt good when I got it out, I am not sure that they were happy to hear it, because they stopped and actually debated each others answer and why the other persons color choice made no sense and why theirs did.
Like I said I was glad to get out of my brain pan, but I bet they were asking every one they knew that same question, because I think that, the so called stupid question was rattling around their brains and now denting their frontal lobes...Hey all I can say is better them then me!
So let me ask you ...what color would you have chosen?
Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired