Dream a Little Dream
The Plastic Coated Nightmare
Have you ever had one of those nights where you sleep so sound that if a Undertaker had come by they would try to embalm you? You are dreaming of wonderful things and wonderful places.
Well I had such a night a few nights ago, there was a chill in there air and I was all nice and snug under my favorite blanket, sleeping the sleep of kings, when all of a sudden I woke with a jolt almost as if someone had stabbed me in the butt with a knitting needle, all because of my dream...
I had a dream that Pamela Anderson was my mother and I was bottle fed
"Dam you Fate ....Dam you all to Hell!"
Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired
The Plastic Coated Nightmare
Have you ever had one of those nights where you sleep so sound that if a Undertaker had come by they would try to embalm you? You are dreaming of wonderful things and wonderful places.
Well I had such a night a few nights ago, there was a chill in there air and I was all nice and snug under my favorite blanket, sleeping the sleep of kings, when all of a sudden I woke with a jolt almost as if someone had stabbed me in the butt with a knitting needle, all because of my dream...
I had a dream that Pamela Anderson was my mother and I was bottle fed
"Dam you Fate ....Dam you all to Hell!"
Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired