Spare the Media...save the Spears! B-TV is on the air
The all Britney, all the time media frenzy is of Brit's own doing. From the very start she has been screaming, Look at me, Look at me, with the New Mickey Mouse Club, her breakout music CD's, the Timberlake dating, multitude of marriages and the hole Britney and K-Fed's "Chaotic" Reality show, it has all been self educed. The media spot light may be an addiction to add to Britney's other [alleged] addictions, alcohol, drugs, bad British ascents and Star Bucks coffee craving crash test dummy.
The problem with the whole, Britney...Britney...Britney, thing is people are addicts, I would say 100% of us have an addiction, it could be candy, booze, drugs, sex, TV, Reading books or even Britney, anything that we do on a regular basis can become an addiction, I am however please to say that I do think that all addictions are bad, such as reading, writing and oh did I say Britney?
I believe the real reason for the Britney media-a-thon is because the majority of people love to see someone fall from their high perch, people in general revel in viewing and hearing of other people's misery, especially they are rich and famous.
My personal take on all the Britney Hull-a-ba-loo is she needs a spanking, I am not referring to a financial, sexual or legal spanking, I am talking about a good ole' Go outside to the tree and cut off a switch bend over and spank her backside type of spanking.
Oh and do it on national television so her embarrassment can be as world wide as her childish antics have been.
By the way did you hear what Britney just did...
*Blog was inspired by and in rebuttal to the Boston Herald's reporter Jay Ambrose and his "We all could use a break from Brit" article in the January 21st 2008 edition (page 19)*
Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired
The all Britney, all the time media frenzy is of Brit's own doing. From the very start she has been screaming, Look at me, Look at me, with the New Mickey Mouse Club, her breakout music CD's, the Timberlake dating, multitude of marriages and the hole Britney and K-Fed's "Chaotic" Reality show, it has all been self educed. The media spot light may be an addiction to add to Britney's other [alleged] addictions, alcohol, drugs, bad British ascents and Star Bucks coffee craving crash test dummy.
The problem with the whole, Britney...Britney...Britney, thing is people are addicts, I would say 100% of us have an addiction, it could be candy, booze, drugs, sex, TV, Reading books or even Britney, anything that we do on a regular basis can become an addiction, I am however please to say that I do think that all addictions are bad, such as reading, writing and oh did I say Britney?
I believe the real reason for the Britney media-a-thon is because the majority of people love to see someone fall from their high perch, people in general revel in viewing and hearing of other people's misery, especially they are rich and famous.
My personal take on all the Britney Hull-a-ba-loo is she needs a spanking, I am not referring to a financial, sexual or legal spanking, I am talking about a good ole' Go outside to the tree and cut off a switch bend over and spank her backside type of spanking.
Oh and do it on national television so her embarrassment can be as world wide as her childish antics have been.
By the way did you hear what Britney just did...
*Blog was inspired by and in rebuttal to the Boston Herald's reporter Jay Ambrose and his "We all could use a break from Brit" article in the January 21st 2008 edition (page 19)*
Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired