One Cows flatulence is another man’s cash-cow
I’ll take stupid things to spend money on, Alex …
… And the answer is … $590.000.00 …
That would be, what is Stockholm Sweden spending on measuring cows burps and farts? … Alex
That’s correct people somehow some “stoner” of a researcher has conned an entire country into giving him $590.000.00 to measure Bovine’s gas and it’s effects on … wait for it, …drum roll please … the Global Warming problem. What a cash-cow this guy fell into.
We folks in Massachusetts can’t find the funds to repair the bridges and Overpasses that are falling in on us, in some communities across the United States there is not enough money to pay Police and Firemen, The President wants to give citizens checks from the government to stimulate the economy, we have the Writers guild out on strike because they want more money, but somewhere, somehow, someone came up with $590.000.00 to measure farts and burps of cows, talk about stepping in it and coming up smelling like a rose!
Correct me if I am wrong, but haven’t cows burped and farted since, Oh I don’t know … They have existed? In fact has not every living thing animal and human alike been passing gas since the dawn of time the same two ways? Oh I get it, the one thing we (regretfully) can not pin on George W. Bush, we blame on the next dumbest thing, the Cow!
So what does $590.000.00 break down to per gallon, I mean how much Bovine gas can you purchase for that kind of cash? Do you think Dinosaurs set off the beginning of global warming, because lets face facts those big bastards must have had some serious gas! Is there a reason that scientists are not blaming Evolution for global warming? I mean we are still coming out of an ice age and I hear that it takes millions of years to come out of it and then it get really warm.
Not that $590.000.00 is a whole heap of mullah, in the grand financial scheme Of things, but then again who am I to judge how they [Sweden] flush their currency of the realm down the proverbial toilet, but do we really feel the need to report such a thing? Just take the money, do the tests and bore, I mean regale us with the results when you gas gathering, fart smelling, burp measurers are done. Thanks Associated Press for alerting us to this one.
I guess I should not make a big stink about it, I should congratulate the brain storming fart smeller that came up with this research idea, but then again who am I to judge how they [Sweden] flush their currency of the realm down the proverbial toilet? By the way here is a fun fact 95% of a Bovine’s methane gas comes out their mouth.
I imagine that this is the Cows way of getting the last laugh on us for centuries of eating their flesh, use of their skins, hooves, milk and let us not forget the whole Bull-fighting thing. So now the cows get a little pay back because some jack-ass is going to have to measure their belching and ass gas for years to come out ultimately with inconclusive conclusions and data. What’s next paying wino’s millions of dollars to tell the effects of wetting ones pants over and over again on their 501 blue jeans stolen from the back of the
I’ll take stupid things to spend money on, Alex …
… And the answer is … $590.000.00 …
That would be, what is Stockholm Sweden spending on measuring cows burps and farts? … Alex
That’s correct people somehow some “stoner” of a researcher has conned an entire country into giving him $590.000.00 to measure Bovine’s gas and it’s effects on … wait for it, …drum roll please … the Global Warming problem. What a cash-cow this guy fell into.
We folks in Massachusetts can’t find the funds to repair the bridges and Overpasses that are falling in on us, in some communities across the United States there is not enough money to pay Police and Firemen, The President wants to give citizens checks from the government to stimulate the economy, we have the Writers guild out on strike because they want more money, but somewhere, somehow, someone came up with $590.000.00 to measure farts and burps of cows, talk about stepping in it and coming up smelling like a rose!
Correct me if I am wrong, but haven’t cows burped and farted since, Oh I don’t know … They have existed? In fact has not every living thing animal and human alike been passing gas since the dawn of time the same two ways? Oh I get it, the one thing we (regretfully) can not pin on George W. Bush, we blame on the next dumbest thing, the Cow!
So what does $590.000.00 break down to per gallon, I mean how much Bovine gas can you purchase for that kind of cash? Do you think Dinosaurs set off the beginning of global warming, because lets face facts those big bastards must have had some serious gas! Is there a reason that scientists are not blaming Evolution for global warming? I mean we are still coming out of an ice age and I hear that it takes millions of years to come out of it and then it get really warm.
Not that $590.000.00 is a whole heap of mullah, in the grand financial scheme Of things, but then again who am I to judge how they [Sweden] flush their currency of the realm down the proverbial toilet, but do we really feel the need to report such a thing? Just take the money, do the tests and bore, I mean regale us with the results when you gas gathering, fart smelling, burp measurers are done. Thanks Associated Press for alerting us to this one.
I guess I should not make a big stink about it, I should congratulate the brain storming fart smeller that came up with this research idea, but then again who am I to judge how they [Sweden] flush their currency of the realm down the proverbial toilet? By the way here is a fun fact 95% of a Bovine’s methane gas comes out their mouth.
I imagine that this is the Cows way of getting the last laugh on us for centuries of eating their flesh, use of their skins, hooves, milk and let us not forget the whole Bull-fighting thing. So now the cows get a little pay back because some jack-ass is going to have to measure their belching and ass gas for years to come out ultimately with inconclusive conclusions and data. What’s next paying wino’s millions of dollars to tell the effects of wetting ones pants over and over again on their 501 blue jeans stolen from the back of the
Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired