I am subjected to this show only because the wife likes it and I in my infinite wisdom have decided to mature ever so slightly and agree to watch some of the things she likes.
I grin and bare it but not without my usual subtle comments, like are they hearing what we are? and why hasn't there parents or relatives told them they have no talent? There is nothing to idolize in this seasons American Idol, from the judges to the "so called" talent it has to be the worst season ever aired.
Lets start with the Judges, 4 is too many and defeats what the have tried to achieve, let alone it takes forever to hear their drivel.
Meet the Judges: Randy Jackson , same as he is all the time, a waffler. Paula Abdul the flaky inconsistent air head that rambles (un-like me I may add), Simon Cowell, has no bite or witty repartee as he has in the past, almost like the viper has been defanged. Now we get to the so called singer/songwriter Kara DioGuardi, she is smug, condescending and so full of her self that it is pouring out her ears. Not to mention we all know the real reason she was brought in, to replace Paula when her contract is (Possibly) not renewed. She uses the word "Chops" almost as much as Randy uses the word "Dog"
Meet the not so talented . . . . all of the contestants so far have been like listening to long fingernails on a chalk board, when it is on I hear dogs in the neighborhood howling, guinea pigs are whooping and bats are flying into walls. Stop the insanity end the show, or at least speak to my wife and convince her wall paper paste drying is better to watch. I can not be the only one to think this.
We are almost at the final 12, so maybe it will get better, but the way they have set up to get the final 12 thus far has been unentertaining, lame and is responsible for brain sucking headaches among countless viewers, and I have not even broached the consistent hocking of their lame singing on Itunes and other MP3 sites, if they suck so bad that they are being voted off, why would I want to pay for their crappy mutilating of perfectly good songs?
America should be laughing at you not buy your tripe and Ryan Seacrest come out of the closet you Dick Clark wanna-beAmerican Idol has become the show to Mock and I shall!
Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired