Tuesday, May 20, 2014

From Wreck it Ralph to Captain Destruct-O

 Who knew that changing out trailers at camp was going to be such a pain in the ass? I DID that’s who!
 This past weekend I spent Saturday and Sunday pulling the floor and decks up, taking lights down, disconnecting stoves and counter tops as well as a bar top and a wall. All this because I stupidly said let’s build and outside kitchen across the back of the trailer.
 It was a nice outdoor kitchen too, it was roomy, clean and waterproof and I must say I had achieved feng shui, but this was a short lived love affair with my outdoor kitchen. The woman in my life decided …”hey let’s get a bigger trailer” and the next thing I know its Captain Destruct-O time.
 I will Miss that Kitchen but maybe I will be able to build another outdoor kitchen across the back of this one as well and get my inner – outdoor chef back.
 Here are a couple photos of some of the destruction.

 Next Week I take the roof down and the water heater out so we can swap out trailers . . .  See you next time

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