Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lines in the sand

I would like to think I am a progressive thinker and I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of expression, but I have to draw a line in the sand on this one, I do not now nor will I ever understand this seemingly new trend in Men’s panty lines! Unless you’re a male stripper in which case you still would not have panty lines (I would think) your pants should not be that tight that the world can tell if you’re in boxer-briefs, bikini or good old tighty whitieys
At great risk to my masculinity and of ending up in the H.R. department's office, I have asked women all week their opinion, and not one of the women said I want to or I would like to see panty lines on a man. The consensus on the male posterior is that if it is that nice that they want to admire it than they would rather not have lines messing up their view in fact I was told that they prefer to think of it as unencumbered and unrestricted by underpants all together.
This past week and even while writing this entry I find that my masculinity and my reputation as a man’s man has been tested slightly on this subject mostly due to the fact that I have noticed this trend and brought it to the attention of some of the women I had questioned. Given that part of my job is to observe, and that I just happened on this strange sexually expressive fashion trend I think that my testosterone driven attitude is firmly and utterly intact for I believe that women, All women no matter how big or small or color or shade of skin ROCK.
 No to sound homophobic because I am very far from that, but I am saying I draw the line of acceptance at the male panty lines, and I do not want to hear skinny Jeans are to blame, because if a man is wearing skinny jeans and we can see the outline of his underpants then he needs to stop shopping in the kids section of the clothing store.
 Well that is my Soapbox moment of the week see you all next time.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

America Home of the not-so Free

Just A quick vent

 Since when do they put smoking warnings on movie ratings? Are they out of their minds, why have we let things get this far? And why we are being policed and warned of smoking in a movie?

 I know I am a bit behind on my movies so this post is probably not relevant anymore seeing how I am about 7 months behind the times and news, But I am seriously annoyed that we are letting the Motion Picture Association of America dictate what they think we need to be warned about. . . “Historic Smoking”?????

 I find it hard to believe that a parent is going to say to the family “Oh we are not going to see that movie because there is smoking in it”! What is next, are we going to have a PG-13 and a PG-13S for smoking???

 Wake the hell up people! This is America the Land of the FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE or is that now been reduced to the Land of the Free, but only when and where we say and home of the brow beaten. Have our Ancestors and Family members served in the military and wars defending our rights as Americans for nothing? Where do we draw the line?

 It is up to parents to raise their children and babysit them not ME!!!!  Not the Government and certainly not the M.P.A.A.! As an adult we chose what we do, right or wrong, that was the best part of being an adult and the best part about being American, Freedom of choice.

 That being said I think The Motion Picture Association of America should be forced to change its name to the Motion Picture Ass-hats of Socialism and people should raise their own children or not have any. I understand it can be tough to raise children and mold their young minds but that is what you take on when you make the choice to have them I don’t go around putting warning labels on houses with children that says “Please reframe from doing anything children live her” I know I am going to the extreme here in my rant, but this is how stuff starts and if we don’t stand up and take notice and say something now, we will lose the right of Freedom of speech, Freedom of expression and one of my favorite ones freedom to complain.

 I apologize to everyone that I had to rant and vent about something so trivial, but stuff like this should not slip through unnoticed. Before you say it I do understand the attempts to prevent frivolous law suits, but it all has to stop.

Please continue on with your day now… thank you People for allowing me to vent and thank you America for not taking that right away … yet, but just in case you better check with the M.P.A.A. on that, I may require a Warning rating as well.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A swan Song to Men’s Fashion

 I have said it in the past and I will say it again I am not Fashion expert or fashionista of any kind, hell I still wear the cloths I wore in the 1980’s and they have gone out of style and come back again. Not to mention I live in the New England area of the United States of America, so we are not known for being trend setters or for being hip. However I feel the need to address a men’s fashion mistake, something that should go the way of the Do-Do, So buckle up for a male version of a tizzy.

I have had not one but two men come by me at work wearing ballet shoes/slippers, I do not get this footwear on a guy, these two gentlemen are straight non-ballet dancers. I just don’t get it.

 What has become of the masculine foot ware, where the clunky work boots, stylish Cowboy boots and the flashy sneakers and tennis shoes could tell you exactly who the man was and what he was about.

 Ballet Shoes/Slippers just screams to me “Hey I am too lazy to put shoes on and I don’t care”. I could see it if they were dancers but one is a manager in the Tax department and another is in Marketing and both straight with wives and kids, so I say WHY? And before you ask, I am acquainted with them and they do not dance.

 Not for nothing but they look so odd on a man and I would like to see this fashion statement take a fast exit stage right and just keep shuffling off to Buffalo.

 I know this seams judgmental and catty, but welcome to my blog, it’s all about me and what runs through my head, luckily in this instance it did not run out of my mouth, I am already a politically correct nightmare. I just thought I would share this with you out there and just between me any you I will attempt to get a photo, it just looks wrong. Well till next time thanks for reading…

This was brought to you by the Men’s Masculine Shoe Foundation and the demented mind of
Fitzy: Legion of decency Retired.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Coming out of the Big Brother closet to vent!

Ok this is where I sort of Jump the shark, I like to spread my interests out and keep things entertaining, so I am about to touch on a subject that I normal would not . . .  Big Brother the TV show. I am a closet junkie for this show, I have not said it out-loud or in print, but I have been hooked on this show since the first season.

 I have not been disappointed once in 16 seasons, there has always been something in the show to keep me coming back, and I guess I can thank the Road-runner and Coyote cartoons from Warner brothers when I was a kid. You know the road-runner is going to drop the coyote off the cliff or blow him up with ACME products and you know the anvil will always hit him in the head and make him look like and accordion, but you must watch it. You are glued to it!  Much like that duo I must watch it, it is like a train wreck, you know you should not look, but it is inevitable that you stare at it and not take your eyes from it.

 There is always at least  1 person who cries and says “I didn’t think it was going to be like this”; well I say hey stupid the show has been on for 16 seasons you didn’t think to go and watch at least 1 season, you deserve what you get.

 Now before I go on a rant and get off topic. The whole reason for this blog entry was to vent about a specific player on this season show… His name “insert drum roll” is Devin.

 This cheep imitation of “The Rock” has delusions of grandeur about being some kind of super strategy genius. Well he is in my opinion a lame duck. He makes an alliance with Donny hours after being in the house and then forms an all male alliance and abandons Donny and then on a whim at 4 in the morning he wakes up the head of his alliance and says we need to take 2 of the girls into their “ALL MALE” alliance and says he is sending them into his HOH room now. And The HOH goes along with it and they have to let all the others know about it and when they find out they are not pleased. I do not know who the bigger dumbass is The HOH (Caleb) or Devin

 Not 5 hours later Devin is now freaked out because Donny is talking to girls about yoga, so he goes back upstairs and starts telling everyone they need Donny out because he could take them out. He is playing too hard too fast and creating situations that that do not exists and my head hurts wasting brain cells on this! In fact I am almost ashamed I am even posting this . . . ALMOST.

Devin needs to be back doored and be kicked out of the house!

  It feels so much better now that I have come out of the big brother closet and got that off my chest. In case you are interested here are the photos of the players I have just pissed and moaned about, I am truly sorry you had to read this, I should be wearing a dunce cap.
            The Cast players of Big Brother Season 16
see you nest week for more BB16 Bitchin'