For those of you that know me, you know the joke associated with me, that when I shuffle ball change off this mortal coil that I will be driving Satan's Tour Bus to hell, and the other comment that I have used for years that no matter what happens to me or where I end up Heaven or Hell that I am sure I can make a better deal that the one I am given. Blasphemy I know, but If you know me you also know I have a problem with Authority even the Big-big Guys.
Well here's the poop, I was in a conversation with a few people at work and made the statements about the tour bus and the work a better deal, and the 3 people I were talking to gave me a sort of sneer, actually only 2 of them did the 3rd has this naturally crest fallen face so she always walks around looking like she is pissed at the world.
So, after the ever so brief pause one of them says, "You know now I am curious about something, what would you do if you really did end up in Hell?" I didn't even waste a millisecond and spurted out I would have the only Gatorade concession stand in Hell (on the corner of Hell-bent Ave and Hitler Street).
Before I lost my audience to the grown of discontent I said on the other hand if I was lucky enough to go to Heaven, instead of to usual Angel wing preening and Pearly gates polishing I would have the only Satan piƱata kiosk at the Halo Galleria Mall. It would be great 5 bucks a whack and if you are lucky enough to smash Satan open you get stuff like Wax wings, Candy halos, cinnamon pitchforks and chocolate ten commandments and little Jesus Plushy toys (cause lets face it nothing says I love you like a Jesus Plushy toy).
After a tense silence, a few head shakes, 2 sneers and 1 crest fallen glair I hear "Good Luck with the Gatorade concession stand!" I laughed because everything was said in fun, but lets face facts for me it is not where I end up, but how I can trip up who ever is in charge, so either way I look at it as a win-win for me.
P.S. I would rather go to Heaven By the way, I hear they have a great Baseball Team.
Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired
Well here's the poop, I was in a conversation with a few people at work and made the statements about the tour bus and the work a better deal, and the 3 people I were talking to gave me a sort of sneer, actually only 2 of them did the 3rd has this naturally crest fallen face so she always walks around looking like she is pissed at the world.
So, after the ever so brief pause one of them says, "You know now I am curious about something, what would you do if you really did end up in Hell?" I didn't even waste a millisecond and spurted out I would have the only Gatorade concession stand in Hell (on the corner of Hell-bent Ave and Hitler Street).
Before I lost my audience to the grown of discontent I said on the other hand if I was lucky enough to go to Heaven, instead of to usual Angel wing preening and Pearly gates polishing I would have the only Satan piƱata kiosk at the Halo Galleria Mall. It would be great 5 bucks a whack and if you are lucky enough to smash Satan open you get stuff like Wax wings, Candy halos, cinnamon pitchforks and chocolate ten commandments and little Jesus Plushy toys (cause lets face it nothing says I love you like a Jesus Plushy toy).
After a tense silence, a few head shakes, 2 sneers and 1 crest fallen glair I hear "Good Luck with the Gatorade concession stand!" I laughed because everything was said in fun, but lets face facts for me it is not where I end up, but how I can trip up who ever is in charge, so either way I look at it as a win-win for me.
P.S. I would rather go to Heaven By the way, I hear they have a great Baseball Team.
Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired
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