Friday, April 6, 2007

Danger’s afoot:
I was watching BBC America the other day and the comment was used that Danger is afoot, needless to say I was amused by the comment and after having it rattle around in my head I decided I needed to explore the comment a bit more and share my thoughts in a Blog....Lucky You!
The comment Danger's afoot leaves many questions to be asked, for instance, how can Danger be a foot ? It has no toes, no heal and no bones. Does it smell like dirty sox or have the pungent odor of stinky feet?
Can Danger wear high heels, high tops or skip zippies? If it could wouldn't that mean Danger is a shoe? which if you think about it that would explain Elvis's "don't step on my blue Suede shoes song
So I say to you Danger is not a foot, ... Danger is a shoe and I say to avoid Danger... so go barefoot!
I thing that completely and utterly clears up the square root of infinity, so thank you and Good Day


PrimeMinisterUSV said...

Just what we need. More of your thoughts. Excuse me while I shoot myself in the head.

Fitzysblogasylum said...

You are welcome...Non-Bastard