Thursday, August 28, 2014

By All means please be rude I like it.

 Have you ever had to call a company and you get the one person on the phone that either hates her job or just has a bad attitude? For me that has happened 3 times this week and it is only Wednesday.

 Everyone is entitled to a bad day, but stay focused on the task at hand. I deal with the public on 100% of my job and I have not taken a bad day out on anyone, it has been difficult in a couple instances, but it is doable. And for the record I am not saying am perfect.

The worst was a Human Recourses person for the company. I needed to call about insurance; they had taken out of my check 2 weeks before the insurance kicked in. The woman she was rude and said she didn’t have time for this sort of investigation today. I said I was sorry for any inconvenience that it may cause, but that money was needed elsewhere and for a good cause. What did I get for a reply? I got and what would that be? In a very flip attitude, and seeing how she sort of pushed my buttons I replied “ME… I am the cause that requires the money”

 She said I will put you on hold, and after that she would come on and ask a question and put me on hold again. I asked her after the 3rd time being put on hold if she was new or training she said no she has done this job for several years and that she is very good at it. I was nice and didn’t make a comment, until she stated that if I had a problem with the way she was handling my call that she could put me on hold and transfer me to voice mail of someone who not only was not in, but on vacation for 2 weeks. I said to her that was not necessary that I could stay on the line with her, but also let her know I was still on the job and told her that every time she puts me on hold is more time I am not doing my job.

 The exasperated sound that she made, let me know she was not up to the task and that is when I asked if her manager was available, she replied why you going to complain about me next? That is when I knew that she may not be the one to be on the phone. I said I would not complain about her, That I just need to get this straightened out, that the money was for bills I needed to pay and that my budget goes from check to check, I then hear her say, well than maybe you need another job. That was the last straw for me. I hung up and called back asked for a H.R. Manager, got one then requested to speak to the next higher one.

 I spoke about my payroll and insurance issue and he resolved it on the phone in 7 minutes, he asked why I asked for him, that there were people in place to handle this under him and if I had, had an issue with dealing with them, My reply was I think there was just a miscommunication between myself and the HR rep.

I so could have thrown her to the wolves, but didn’t, and the only reason I didn’t is because I wanted her to sweat it out knowing I went around her and got it done and she will know when he speaks to her, and I bet she throws herself under the bus.

 It takes more energy to be rude than to be nice and things go quicker… But I will say that Thursday the first rude person I get I will ask them if they need a hug or if I can call someone they do like so they can get a hug! See I am a smart ass too!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Peas and Rice!

I was going about my day to day chores and I was thinking about what my next blog entry should be and as per usual I am roaming through the fringe for inspiration and a full belly, I see nothing I want so I decided to order some Chinese food, so a hop skip and a sock slide across the kitchen floor to the take out menu pile and what does my watering taste buds see, a new Chinese food place for me (sorry for the rhyme I thought it was cleaver), a fast tapping of the phone and in 15 minutes I have an order of Pork Fried rice and beef and broccoli perched on my doorstep.

 I gather all the food and my computer zap on to Netflix and get ready to fill my stomach, watch a crappy movie and let the whirling thought land in my brain pan. I open the beef and broccoli, and the smell made me drool, I open the fried rice and my eye bulge I tense up and I stare at the open box of pork fried rice, what do I see in my rice  . . . PEAS!!!!


 I know it sounds like I am swearing and in a way I am. Someone has put peas in my rice… if I had a vote there would be no Peas in my rice! I know as human and possessing thumbs that I can pick out or go around the peas, but that was not the point, what Chinese food restaurant would put peas in Chinese Pork fried rice? It must be a mistake.

 I was not angry just surprised, in all the years I have eaten Chinese food I have never had peas in my rice, now peas are one of the vegetables I am not in love with, they are ok but if I never ate one that would be good as well. Every time looked at the rice all I saw were the green little globes of blandness staring back at me mocking me, almost like my mom had gone there and made this rice because she knew I have not been eating enough peas.

 Long post short . . .  This place puts peas and diced carrots in all their fried rice, I was so blinded by green I didn’t see the red cubes of vitamin E nestled in between that delicious rice and pork.

 I ate it of course and it was not bad just different, what did I get out of this order of Chinese food? I got a full belly, a blog post and I have met my monthly quota of peas out of it, so in retrospect it was a win-win-win. - I also discovered that Chinese do not call it Chinese food, they just call it food.

P.S.  I find myself saying “Peas and Rice” now instead of cursing

See you next time.



Thursday, August 21, 2014

It’s VP not VIP

In my line of work you need to be easy going but stay stern and within your post orders and within reason, not to mention take nothing personal and direct nothing personal at anyone, But there are times you wonder what the hell they are thinking.

 When there is a policy of the clients in place and has been in place for 17 years you would think someone who has been employed there for 15 years would understand what is required and that just because you are VP it does not make you a VIP when it comes to ignoring your own companies policies especially if they pre-date you.

 This action sort of puts me in the cross-hairs, because I am not allowed to explain to them what they should do nor can I give anyone orders, so you (I) must refer them to the Powers that be, who in turn comes back and at us and says good job and then complains about our actions behind our backs, so that we look like dumb-ass smurfs, I would mind being the bad guys so much, but at least wait till you are out of ear shot before you trash me, for doing exactly what you asked us to do.

 I have a thick skin so 99% of the time these things don’t bother me, but every once in a while you wish you had a nice big Fred Flintstone sized cave man club made of foam and just bonk them on the head to see if they snap back into the world of reality.

 As I dismount my Soapbox I will add this YABA DABA DO !

 Thanks for stopping by.

Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hug It Out

 I would like to extend my sincere apologies to all the readers of the Broken Soapbox Blog today, I know part of the reason for this blog was to have a place to be on my soapbox or high horse on certain topics and poke fun of the world in general, but after the previous 2 posted entries I feel the need to say Thank you and I am sorry. . .
 Thanks for letting me vent and for the comments I received and sorry that you had to read it at all. However being able to post today’s debacle of a work day and the foolishness of the higher ranking personnel around me, made it possible to keep my head and my anger in check and push through the day with only minor cerebral injuries. As well as keep my employment.
 I have decided the only way to end this day on a high note is to go home change out of the uniform and head out and see a movie, so in keeping with that thought Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and  large popcorn here I come…
I am not a big Hugger, but If I was I would Give you all a big ole hug and just hug it out, but in this case I will just thank you and give you all the “Virtual Hug”!

WTF PART 2: The Wrath of Stupidity

 Ok so its 11:30 A.M. on the same day I am still heated and angry, but I am still here and employed

 So now “we” (The Boss) has proceeded to complain about rules he put in place 8 years ago and wants to change them without talking to the Powers that be above him, I can only see me getting burnt on this!

 We are now just allowing folk’s access without being documented!!!! BRILIANT

 I am not usually bitchy like this; I am pretty easy going . . .  I guess you could say I am on my monthly cycle with today being the worst of it… (Sorry for the sexist comment no insult implied).




Ever have one of those days where you get up happy and you get to work and your boss just starts out irritating the hell out of you, and then everything falls apart on you to the point you start to sign out of your computer and just walk out?

 Well that seems to be the day I am having except I am really considering walking out. I am so pissed I actually can’t stop my jaw from clenching and my legs from bouncing under the desk.

 Why do I get stuck with the boss that cannot follow his own orders and then yells and gets pissy at me for following what he said to do in the first place?

 This is not really a blog worthy entry, but if I don’t vent I may explode I am so heated you could fry and egg on me. And its only 10:30!

Sorry readers for the rant

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

kNOw when to say NO!

Some folks don’t know when to say no, I on the other hand say no to everything all the time, that way I am not surprised about what I am asked and the great thing in life is I can always change my mind.

 When I was a kid my parents used the ever so vague “we will see” which we all knew as kids meant NO, but we don’t want to look like the bad parents and you won’t remember anything in 10 minutes, because you’re a child and cannot focus on more than one thing for more than 10 minutes.

 The reason for this entry is my Boss, he is micro managing and passive aggressive which in my opinion is as about as much fun as a sharp stick in the eye!  I think that he thinks he works for the CIA or KGB agencies because you never get any information he keeps it for himself and says you didn’t need to know that, until after you say yes to his request. I contend that if you are asking me to do extra coverage on site or at another site then I need the specifics, I am not going to just say yes and let the chips fall where they may! My wife’s Grandmother the wisest Lady I had the pleasure of knowing always used to say it never hurts to ask questions before you answer them.

 So I vote NO . . .  and it is liberating, now keep in mind I may say no to most things, but I only mean no about 2% of them. I feel liberated and I feel I am in charge when I say no. Try it and see how it feels… I also understand that this is a kid’s mentality to say no, but sometimes you need to think like a kid to be a well rounded adult . . . SO THERE (sticking tongue out).

*Disclaimer: The author of this entry and this blog is not and cannot be responsible for any angry spouses, parents or significant others, or any loss of job, house or property due to the fact that you used the word no in answer to any questions asked. In short you use “No” at your own risk.

 This entry was brought to you by the number 2 and the letters N & O

Thanks for stopping by my Broken Soapbox

Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

To Justin with Love

To Justin with Love

I miss your grumpy face, I miss your smelly boots, I miss your noisy motorcycle, I miss your cheep cigars, I miss your loud music, I miss your laugh . . . I miss you my friend!