Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hug It Out

 I would like to extend my sincere apologies to all the readers of the Broken Soapbox Blog today, I know part of the reason for this blog was to have a place to be on my soapbox or high horse on certain topics and poke fun of the world in general, but after the previous 2 posted entries I feel the need to say Thank you and I am sorry. . .
 Thanks for letting me vent and for the comments I received and sorry that you had to read it at all. However being able to post today’s debacle of a work day and the foolishness of the higher ranking personnel around me, made it possible to keep my head and my anger in check and push through the day with only minor cerebral injuries. As well as keep my employment.
 I have decided the only way to end this day on a high note is to go home change out of the uniform and head out and see a movie, so in keeping with that thought Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and  large popcorn here I come…
I am not a big Hugger, but If I was I would Give you all a big ole hug and just hug it out, but in this case I will just thank you and give you all the “Virtual Hug”!

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