Wednesday, August 13, 2014

kNOw when to say NO!

Some folks don’t know when to say no, I on the other hand say no to everything all the time, that way I am not surprised about what I am asked and the great thing in life is I can always change my mind.

 When I was a kid my parents used the ever so vague “we will see” which we all knew as kids meant NO, but we don’t want to look like the bad parents and you won’t remember anything in 10 minutes, because you’re a child and cannot focus on more than one thing for more than 10 minutes.

 The reason for this entry is my Boss, he is micro managing and passive aggressive which in my opinion is as about as much fun as a sharp stick in the eye!  I think that he thinks he works for the CIA or KGB agencies because you never get any information he keeps it for himself and says you didn’t need to know that, until after you say yes to his request. I contend that if you are asking me to do extra coverage on site or at another site then I need the specifics, I am not going to just say yes and let the chips fall where they may! My wife’s Grandmother the wisest Lady I had the pleasure of knowing always used to say it never hurts to ask questions before you answer them.

 So I vote NO . . .  and it is liberating, now keep in mind I may say no to most things, but I only mean no about 2% of them. I feel liberated and I feel I am in charge when I say no. Try it and see how it feels… I also understand that this is a kid’s mentality to say no, but sometimes you need to think like a kid to be a well rounded adult . . . SO THERE (sticking tongue out).

*Disclaimer: The author of this entry and this blog is not and cannot be responsible for any angry spouses, parents or significant others, or any loss of job, house or property due to the fact that you used the word no in answer to any questions asked. In short you use “No” at your own risk.

 This entry was brought to you by the number 2 and the letters N & O

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Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired.

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