Thursday, April 26, 2007

Mute...Pause...Play, The My Space Factor

Ok, does anyone else out there just mute the sound when you go onto any of the "My Space" pages?
When I first joined the wide and growing world of the "My space" web sites, it was fun to let the songs load and see what that particular person was listening to, but the members are changing the songs so infrequently that I have now just got into the habit of pausing or muting the song and just take a quick glance at what and who it was, then move on.
I think the music on the "My space" sites have just become an annoyance. So how many others are like me and pause or mute the songs before they load and play? I know I can not be alone on this.
Oh by the way have you heard the new song I loaded up on my, "My space" page....Tee Hee

Thursday, April 19, 2007

"Must be this Tall"

Have you ever had one of those days?

Have you ever woke up from a nights sleep and realize right off that it was going to be one of those days?
Well that was today for me.
I rose from my nights nap at 6:45 AM and I knew I was in trouble. I get to the shower and I thought I had turned on the hot water... I get in and you want to talk about shrinkage! I was an inny in about 1 millisecond. I correct that and go to get the shampoo and it squirts in my eye.
The next step was to get dressed and have some coffee, guess what, that was not going to happen too smoothly, I put my foot through my sock, the cat did something in my sneaker and when I went to my automated Java machine I thought I heard it laugh at me just as it spit coffee out at me, it was as if it had just watched Linda Blair in the Exorcists movie.
Now, not try to look on the down side, I move to my favorite morning ritual, email, My-Space and working on my Web Asylum site, guess what....Yup you got it, I deleted my email, changed my My-Space and almost banned myself from my own website. at this point I am thinking bed looks great right about now and I'll try life again tomorrow, but do I NO!!
Today just feels like, when you were a kid and went to one of those amusement parks and you have been all excited all day about this ride and then you see that sign, "Must be this Tall to Ride" and your heart sinks in chest and you already know you do not make the height requirement. Today is such a day and it is only Noon. here is my score card thus far.
Cold Shower Causing a small heart attack and a whole heap of shrinkage
Shampoo breaches like a whale and I get an eye full
Cat violating my Sneaker
disintegrating sox
Possessed Coffee machine
Email is now Missing in action
MY-Space is different and I have to think of how to use it.
Banned from my own web site, this will make Brad & Harold giggle.
Burt a hole in my pants after lighting my cigar.
sandwich exploded on the floor, Hudson the wonder dog was happy as hell!
had a fight with the mail man, which means no mail for a week, that will make NetFlix happy.
Dropped the computer monitor on my foot, my foot is fine, but that bag of chips...Ouch! it was like confetti!
Today I am just not tall enough to get on Life's Ride! ... I will have to try again tomorrow!

Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired

Monday, April 16, 2007

How the Penguin stole my sanity and ate it.

How the Penguin stole my sanity and ate it.
Ok, Penguins I can do, but a topic I am not to familiar with...."sanity".
Sanity is just nuts that make sense to the majority, while the minority (That is someone like me) has to settle with just being plane insane.
Ok if, you can make it pay, but I have not worked that one out as of yet.
So where was I? Oh yeah how the Penguin stole my sanity and ate it... well for a while now every time I close my eyes I see redheaded Penguins and they keep telling me odd jokes ( as if I need help with jokes...have you seen me in my Spiderman Under-roos?)
So I am sleeping when this penguin starts yammering jokes into my head like...hey How do Penguins drink their Soda? ...on the rocks...Yuk yuk ( yes the penguin said yuk-yuk after his jokes...don't ask me why) and he would go on with...
Why don't you see Penguins in Britain? Because they´re afraid of Wales, yuk-yuk oh and then his twin penguin sisters would show up ( as apposed to his twin kangaroo sister ...yuk-yuk or that one was mine) so his twin shows up and starts in on me..Hey Fitzy...Who is a Penguins favorite pop star? ...Seal. and then..Why don't Penguins like rock music? ...They only like sole. and remember that penguins voices are so fast it is like the chipmunks on speed, so the jokes were fast and high pitched at one point I though I heard the dog grown shutty to the penguins.
So slowly but surly every time I fell asleep I would loose a little bit of what sanity I had,( I keep it in the vault in the back of my brain, so I know where it is when I need it.) after a while The Penguins were a blur and I started sleeping on top of the dresser, the TV and I would talk in tongues... all the while hearing them penguins giggling and telling jokes like it is opening night at a Vegas show, until it all stopped and I heard nothing.
I needed to drive to Dan's shop to have the Truck looked at so I went into the vault to get some of my stored up sanity so I could drive over there with out killing myself or anyone else, so as I open the vault I hear the penguins again I look in and they have lounged out in my sanity vault parting and drinking....I say what the hell...and the red-headed penguin stands up and says what do you want?...I say sanity and she says ...screw you pal I ate it! Well I start to sweat and twitch like I have ants in my Under-roos ( which I did, but that is a blog for another time) I jump up my eyes and realize oh hell I was dreaming, I wake Janice up and say please do not let me eat Chinese food at 4 am after drinking all night again...she looks up at me slaps me in the back of the head and says Der!
So that is how The Penguins stole my sanity and ate it. Now before I go I leave you with this...
What's black & white, black & white, black & white and black & white?
A penguin rolling down the hill with my sanity in his belly...YUK-YUK
Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired

Friday, April 6, 2007

Danger’s afoot:
I was watching BBC America the other day and the comment was used that Danger is afoot, needless to say I was amused by the comment and after having it rattle around in my head I decided I needed to explore the comment a bit more and share my thoughts in a Blog....Lucky You!
The comment Danger's afoot leaves many questions to be asked, for instance, how can Danger be a foot ? It has no toes, no heal and no bones. Does it smell like dirty sox or have the pungent odor of stinky feet?
Can Danger wear high heels, high tops or skip zippies? If it could wouldn't that mean Danger is a shoe? which if you think about it that would explain Elvis's "don't step on my blue Suede shoes song
So I say to you Danger is not a foot, ... Danger is a shoe and I say to avoid Danger... so go barefoot!
I thing that completely and utterly clears up the square root of infinity, so thank you and Good Day